800 509 666 Segunda-feira - Sexta-feira 08:30 - 17:00 Entrega gratuita e assegurada

Preços dos metais
Preço do ouro 2.780,82 € 2.318,69 £ 2.884,35 $
Preço da Prata 30,68 € 25,58 £ 31,84 $

Armenian Noah's Ark

The Noah's Ark coin is a .999 purity fine silver bullion coin produced for Armenia; a small nation in the Caucasus region, where eastern Europe meets the Middle East and Asia. It is nestled between Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Armenia issues silver coins via German refiners Leipziger Edelmetallverarbeitungs GmbH, and has done since 2011. These coins come in sizes from 1/4oz up to 5kg, and at BullionByPost we stock the 1/4oz and 1oz varieties.

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